Category: Music Trends

  • Music Market Focus: Sizing Up the US Music Industry

    Music Market Focus: Sizing Up the US Music Industry

    The U.S. music market is not only the largest market in the world. The influence of the U.S. spreads far beyond the country’s borders, securing its place as a trendsetter of the global music industry. As of March 2019, over 70% of the songs on Spotify’s Global Top-50 playlist were recorded by US-based artists. American acts are leading the industry, but, at the same time, the American music market itself is often left somewhat under-explored by the international music community. It is easy to write it off as entirely globalized – while the industry is actually full of surprises and

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  • Why Streaming Stats Don’t Define You as an Artist

    Why Streaming Stats Don’t Define You as an Artist

    Distributing your music online and making it available on Spotify and YouTube means being exposed to the number of times your songs have been listened to. While these stats can be helpful to you as an artist to some degree, they can also do a lot of harm. It’s natural to think that streams and views can fully represent a song’s value, but that’s not at all true. The truth is that streaming stats can’t begin to define you or your music. Putting too much stock in them will hurt your creativity and make it harder to reach your goals. What

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